Tax time tour

Bench Accounting

Copywriter: Sarah Johnson

The challenge: How do we prepare people for tax season in a way that is engaging and inviting?

This is an integrated campaign designed to promote tax season. The central concept was to create a festival-like atmosphere where tax deadlines were given the status of headlining acts. The campaign aimed to engage and educate people about the importance of meeting their tax obligations while keeping them entertained with a fun and lively theme.

Deliverables: Brand Concepts, Tax Guide pdf, Paid Ads with copy variants, Landing Pages, Social Media Posts, Emails, 3 week timeline

The deliverables

Give your financials the VIP treatment this tax season

The landing page for the campaign serves as a centralized hub for individuals seeking tax-related information. This page has been aptly branded as an "all-access pass", providing unrestricted access to tax-related content.

As part of the tax season, we regularly organize webinars that provide valuable tax-related content to our audience. To make these webinars more engaging, I have created a pass template that attendees can use to create their own version and share it on social media.

No better way to get through tax season than with a good playlist

Tax Survival Guide

Just like how festivals create a guide with the most important information to prepare. We created a downloadable pdf with checklists, key deadlines and tax season self care.

The Impact 📈

This campaign was kicked off with emails and the resource hub which saw an increased client count at end-of-month.


Bench ✦ Brand Photography


Bench ✦ Honorable Mentions